Our Foundation

By connecting local businesses and educators, we are helping to develop a skilled workforce resulting in a strong economic future for our communities.

About Career Connect SW

By 2030, more than 70% of high-demand, family-sustaining wage jobs available in our state will require postsecondary degree credentials; 68% of those will require postsecondary STEM credentials or foundational STEM literacy.

Career Connect SW is a Network of system actors in the ESD112 region that work to ensure that our cradle to career system is poised to meet this demand. Our strategic plan represents the common vision and mission of our 30 school districts, three institutes of higher education, workforce boards and over 80 employers and community-based organizations.

Career Connect Southwest (SW) is one of nine regional career connected learning networks under the larger Career Connect Washington (CCW), as well as a partner network of Washington STEM.

Our Vision

Each student graduates with clear pathways from school to prosperous career opportunities that are not predictable by social, cultural, gender, racial or economic factors.

Our Mission

Career Connect SW engages with K12, higher education, business, industry and the community to expand the skilled workforce through work-related learning opportunities that serve K12 students in every community in the ESD 112 region.

The Career Connect SW Network does this by:

Collaborating with experts in education, workforce and industry to develop programs and share best practices that align the bridge from school to work.

Creating opportunities for every student to engage in authentic problem-based learning based on high demand industry careers and to graduate STEM literate.


Connecting teachers and business/industry partners to facilitate culturally-relevant learning opportunities and to support teachers in meaningful community engagement.